Erasmus Agreements with UK – The Impact of Brexit

The Erasmus program is one of the most popular and prestigious student exchange programs in the world. It has enabled thousands of students to study, work, and live in different countries. The program has been successful in facilitating cultural exchange, developing language skills, and enhancing the employability of students.

However, the future of the Erasmus program in the United Kingdom has been in question in the wake of Brexit. The United Kingdom officially left the European Union (EU) on January 31, 2020, and the transition period ended on December 31, 2020. This means that the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the EU, and as a consequence, it is no longer a member of the Erasmus program.

The Erasmus program is funded by the European Union, and it is open to all member states. This means that non-member states cannot participate in the program unless they have special agreements with the EU. The United Kingdom had a special agreement with the EU that allowed it to participate in the Erasmus program.

In December 2020, the United Kingdom government announced that it would not participate in the Erasmus program after the end of the transition period. Instead, it would establish a new program called the Turing scheme, which would fund international student exchanges. The Turing scheme is named after Alan Turing, a British computer scientist who played a critical role in cracking the German Enigma code during World War II.

The Turing scheme will provide funding for approximately 35,000 students in the United Kingdom to study, work, and live in other countries. The scheme will cover the whole world, compared to the Erasmus program, which was limited to European countries.

The decision by the United Kingdom government not to participate in the Erasmus program has been met with criticism. Many students, academics, and politicians see it as a backward step that will harm the United Kingdom`s relationship with Europe. They argue that the Erasmus program has been essential in building bridges between European countries and nurturing a sense of European identity.

The impact of Brexit on the Erasmus program will be felt by both the United Kingdom and European Union students. UK students will no longer enjoy the benefits of the Erasmus program, such as free tuition, travel grants, and language courses. European Union students will also be affected, as they will no longer be able to study, work, or live in the United Kingdom under the Erasmus program.

In conclusion, the decision not to participate in the Erasmus program after Brexit has been a controversial one. However, the Turing scheme provides an opportunity for more students to experience international exchanges outside the European Union. The impact of the decision will only be fully realized in the years to come.