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Jib Agreement 2021: What You Need to Know

The Jib Agreement, also known as the Joint Industry Board agreement, is the collective bargaining agreement that governs wages, benefits, and working conditions for unionized workers in the electrical industry. As of 2021, the Jib Agreement covers approximately 30,000 electrical workers in the New York City area.

The Jib Agreement is negotiated every three years by the Electrical Contractors Association of New York City (ECANY) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local Union 3. The negotiations typically last several months, and often include contentious issues such as wages, benefits, and work rules.

One of the key changes in the 2021 Jib Agreement is a 4.25% wage increase over three years for all electrical workers covered under the agreement. This translates to a 1.25% increase in wages for the first year, followed by a 1.5% increase in the second year, and a 1.5% increase in the third year.

Other changes in the 2021 Jib Agreement include an increase in the employer contribution rate to the workers’ health and welfare fund, an increase in the pension contribution rate, and a modification to the apprenticeship program.

The new agreement also includes provisions for remote work, which has become more prevalent since the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the agreement allows electrical workers to work remotely for up to two days per week, subject to certain conditions.

Additionally, the 2021 Jib Agreement includes language that prohibits discrimination and harassment in any form, and provides for a process to investigate and address complaints of discrimination or harassment.

Overall, the 2021 Jib Agreement reflects the continuing evolution of the electrical industry and the changing needs of electrical workers in the New York City area. While the negotiations were undoubtedly challenging, both sides were ultimately able to reach an agreement that provides for fair compensation, benefits, and working conditions for electrical workers, while also accommodating the changing needs of the industry.